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VC Investor: Fundamentals Show Bitcoin and Ethereum Oversold in Bear Market

It’s no secret that 2018 has been a rough year for cryptocurrencies, with Bitcoin falling over 80% from its 2017 highs, and most major altcoins dropping 90% or more. Despite the market’s poor performance, one venture capitalist laid out his case for why Bitcoin and Ethereum are currently oversold from a fundamental standpoint. The past… Continue reading VC Investor: Fundamentals Show Bitcoin and Ethereum Oversold in Bear Market

Report: The Biggest Crypto Bears Are Selfish Chinese Miners

Many have been wondering which group represents the majority of crypto bears recently as prices keep plummeting. Those that got into crypto within the last year have likely fled the scene with tails between their legs and burnt fingers. That leaves long term hodlers, institutional investors, and Chinese crypto miners. Chinese Miners Playing the Short… Continue reading Report: The Biggest Crypto Bears Are Selfish Chinese Miners