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Monero Price Analysis: Price Stable, XMR is Bullish above $100

36 hours after hard forking and Monero buyers are yet to confirm Oct 15 gains. If anything, there seems to be resistance for upsides and this is negative for bulls. Anyhow, we suggest aggressive buyers to load at spot prices with stops at $190 while risk-averse traders should be on the side lines until there… Continue reading Monero Price Analysis: Price Stable, XMR is Bullish above $100

Tron Price Analysis: Monero Upgrades While Bulls Struggle to Register Gains

Overly, there is expectation in the space. Thanks to a successful Monero hard fork, the new “Segwit” mean transactions would cost less. At the same time, the new confirmation from Tron about their “partnership” with Baidu should keep the market vibrant as bulls prepare for gains above 3 cents. Let’s have a look at these… Continue reading Tron Price Analysis: Monero Upgrades While Bulls Struggle to Register Gains

EOS Price Analysis: Charlie Lee Positive on LN as Monero Prepares for a Hard Fork

It will always be there that EOS critics will point out to the level of centralization visible in the block producers list. Unfortunately, they will always turn a blind eye to the platform’s stellar performance. Nonetheless, we expect higher highs in days to come and as Monero prepares for a system upgrade tomorrow, they are… Continue reading EOS Price Analysis: Charlie Lee Positive on LN as Monero Prepares for a Hard Fork