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Can Our Identities Ever be Reclaimed?

By Travis Greene on September 27, 2017

It’s been 22 years since Sandra Bullock struggled to reclaim her identity from cyber-terrorists in The Net, a movie that opened our eyes to the risks of digital identity theft way ahead of its time.

Just as this movie shed light on identity theft, massive breaches of personally identifiable information have a way of sharpening consumers’ attention on the need to secure their identifying data. “Credit freeze” – the credit bureaus really call it a security freeze – has now entered the common vernacular as individuals look to prevent identity theft.

While a credit freeze can protect against the opening of fraudulent credit accounts, it is not an inoculation against identity theft. With all the media attention on the credit freeze process, there is risk of consumers developing a false sense of security. Consumer Reports has published a list of additional threats and steps to protect against them, including the necessity of opening a “my Social Security” account.


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